Eyelashes Hair Transplant

Eyelashes Hair Transplant

A process typically entails the positioning of 25 to 50 hairs in each topmost eyelid based on the quantity of hair already present and the size and density requisite. The 2-hour procedure, which is usually performed under a mild oral sedative, is painless, as is the recovery period. The process carries few risks, the majority of which are common with standard hair transplant procedures. The 1-inch-long donor site incision generally heals as a less than 2 mm wide incision that can be easily hidden with established hair in the area.

The most important thing for sufferers to comprehend is that the hair must be manually curled so that it develops as standard eyelash hair in a slanting curved path, and that some hairs may grow in an unfavorable direction—these hairs can be cut very small or sometimes equipped to grow in the correct direction.

Small crusts form around each hair grafted for the first 3 to 4 days after the process, and pinkish tint and/or mild swelling of the eyelids may occur. Patients can resume daily activities within 3 to 5 days, except for some residual mild coloration that fades during the first week, without showing any signs of a process.

You can contact or Urban Aesthetic Clinic for any such query, as we aim to provide supreme medical professionals, with ensuring a high-quality service to our patients.

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